Incident Reconstruction

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Process: Our incident reconstruction service aims to piece together the events leading up to, during, and following a cyber incident. Utilizing data from logs, network traffic, and other digital artifacts, our experts map out the attack vector, affected systems, and the extent of the damage. This comprehensive review identifies the exploited vulnerabilities and any lateral movements within the network, data exfiltration, or other malicious activities. Following the reconstruction, a detailed report outlines the incident timeline, compromised assets, and actionable recommendations for remediation and future prevention.
After a large retail company experienced a data breach affecting customer credit card information, incident reconstruction revealed that the point of entry was a compromised point-of-sale terminal. This information was crucial for fixing the immediate problem and enhancing security measures to prevent similar breaches.

A university discovered unauthorized access to research data. The incident reconstruction showed that the attackers exploited a poorly configured firewall. Once identified, the university could close this vulnerability and take steps to secure other potential weak points.

Risks for Not Doing It: Without incident reconstruction, you may never fully understand the extent of a cyber attack or the weaknesses that allowed it to occur. This leaves your organization vulnerable to repeated attacks, possibly exploiting the same or similar vulnerabilities. Moreover, a lack of clarity about the scope of an incident could result in legal ramifications, especially if it’s unclear which customer or employee data was compromised. Failure to perform incident reconstruction can also impact your reputation, as stakeholders may question your organization’s ability to protect critical assets and data. Finally, not conducting a thorough post-incident analysis may mean missing out on valuable learnings that could fortify your defenses against future cyber threats.

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