In Consulting

Digital transformation

Digital transformation

At DeepDive World, we empower companies to excel in the era of transformation by continuously renewing themselves, exploring innovative concepts, and expanding upon their achievements.
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The Team
Misha Hanin

President & Chairman

Ahmed Ali

CEO, MENA Division

Dima Zodek

CEO, North America Division

What DeepDive World can do for you

Megatrends are reshaping industries, offering both immense opportunities and formidable challenges. Rooted in technology, globalization, and shifting demographics, these megatrends are causing unprecedented disruptions across sectors.


DeepDive World empowers businesses to swiftly adapt and thrive in this evolving environment. To navigate these new complexities, companies need to: 


  • Envision the future and articulate their purpose
  • Drive, accelerate, and overcome barriers to a diverse range of initiatives
  • Innovate and disrupt like agile startups
  • Develop, refine, and iterate solutions iteratively
  • Strategize, invest, and scale like seasoned venture capital firms
  • Embrace transformation as an ongoing journey

How DeepDive World can help

Art of Possibility 

  • Assessment of industry position 
  • Future business & IT aligned roadmap 
  • Understand opportunities 
  • Customer Experience Journey In visual format for Executives & Board

Strategy & Roadmaps 

  • Better alignment between Business & IT functions 
  • Short-term & long-term goals 
  • Ensure budgetary, functional & technical requirements are aligned 
  • Virtual CISO/CIO

Digital Modernization 

  • Modernize infrastructure 
  • Migrations & integrations without downtime 
  • Speed of technology adoption 
  • Cyber security 

Data-Driven Decisions 

  • Data analysis 
  • Business strategy for collecting, structuring and analyzing data 
  • Identification & remedy for data quality problems 
  • Understand user behavior in a way which drives efficiency & value
  • Identify your most profitable products & learn what makes them profitable

Workload Transition 

  • Process optimization and automation 
  • Continuous workload improvement

Disruptive Technology 

  • AI, ML, IoT, robotics, blockchain
  • Reduce upfront investment costs 
  • Integrate new technology to legacy infrastructure if needed

Trusted Advisors 

  • Complete technology guidance 
  • Choosing or creating the best solutions for your business
  • Projecting ROI’s to adopting disruptive & new technologies

The team

Misha Hanin

President & Chairman

Ahmed Ali

CEO, MENA Division

Dima Zodek

CEO, North America Division

Rob Zacharias

Chief Operating Officer

Boris Heismann

Chief R&D Officer (CRDO)

Our latest thinking