Insider Threat Analysis

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Our Insider Threat Analysis service is a comprehensive program that integrates technology, policies, and human insights to detect, manage, and mitigate internal risks. We begin by auditing existing security measures and employee behavior to form a baseline. This is followed by deploying advanced monitoring software that observes user activity across various data points—email exchanges, data access patterns, network usage, and more. Simultaneously, we educate your employees on the importance of maintaining security hygiene. We then continuously analyze this data to identify unusual patterns or behaviors that could signify an insider threat, intentional misconduct, or mishandling of sensitive information.
Why It’s Crucial:
Insider threats from disgruntled employees to ex-staffers with access rights pose a unique and dangerous risk. They are familiar with your organization’s inner workings, making their actions potentially more damaging than external threats. These threats are often harder to detect and can go unnoticed until significant damage is done.
Abnormal File Access: If an employee who usually works with marketing materials suddenly accesses sensitive financial documents.

Unusual After-Hours Activity: If network activity is detected from an employee’s login outside of their typical working hours.

Risks of Inaction:
Ignoring the possibility of insider threats exposes your organization to a range of risks, including intellectual property theft, data breaches, and operational sabotage. Such incidents not only result in financial losses but can also severely damage your reputation and client relationships. Legal repercussions could add to the woes, including penalties for failing to protect customer data.
A robust Insider Threat Analysis program isn’t just a monitoring tool. It’s a cultural shift. By implementing this service, you signal your employees that security is everyone’s responsibility. This mutual accountability can greatly reinforce your organization’s security posture, making it more resilient against internal and external threats.

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